With unprecedented durability and attributes that clearly out-perform traditional materials, Rumber boards result in less downtime, fewer replacement costs and extended life on a variety of applications.

With unprecedented durability and attributes that clearly out-perform traditional materials, Rumber boards result in less downtime, fewer replacement costs and extended life on a variety of applications.
Rumber produces a composite raw material from recycled tire rubber and plastics that can be extruded into sheets for numerous applications. The sheets can be vacuum formed or thermoformed. Rumber composite is also custom blended to meet different specifications
Rumber materials produces proprietary custom parts for various O.E.M’s across the country. Products are designed to their individual requirements and tolerances. We make products for large and small manufacturers.Our patented material can be extruded or compression molded as well as vacuum formed or thermoformed.
2000+ customers trust Rumber for all of their equipment, flooring, and decking needs.
Follow our step-by-step guide to help you properly install your Rumber boards.
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Every specialty Rumber product is backed by a warranty. Get the details on what’s covered.
Product Sheets include an overview of Rumber, photos, full tech specs and more.
Get details on the material properties of Rumber including elasticity, specific gravity and more.
Rumber products have been professionally tested using multiple ASTM methods and standards.